The ELVIS company produces and packages pure, Greek, traditional products, always with the use of fresh and high-quality ingredients from the Greek soil.
The company’s aim is to ensure the highest quality of its products and their deployment at the lowest possible price, always having great respect for the consumer and giving him the opportunity to enjoy a wide range of homemade tastes.
The ELVIS company invests in logistics, personnel and expertise, in order to continuously meet consumer requirements while simultaneously complying with strict quality, hygiene and safety laws in accordance with international certification standards.

ELVIS company has a contemporary and fully equipped microbiology laboratory, which continuously performs all analyses of products and raw materials used in the production process.
The goal of creating it within the production unit was to continually control the products, monitor their microbiological status, and ensure the highest possible quality, always thinking about the safety of the consumer that has supported the company over the years.
Being able to produce products of high quality, giving the consumer great taste, hygiene and safety, is not merely words, but instead requires hard work, respect and action.
Following a series of audits, ELVIS has been certified to have established and implemented a Quality Management System in accordance with the International Standard ISO 9001: 2015, as well as a Food Safety Management System in accordance with the International Standard ISO 22000: 2018.
The company’s management is determined and guarantees to meet the requirements of the standard, while the person in charge of ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 22000: 2018 and its staff are trained and up-to-date about the requirements of the standard.